I don't take risks

I don't take risks is a public communication campaign on good civil protection practices built on the synergy between science, voluntary work and institutions, aimed at everyone, with clear and recognisable messages, with the purpose of translating awareness into action, 365 days a year.
The campaign is promoted by the Department of Civil Protection with Anpas - National Association of Public Assistance, Ingv - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Reluis - Network of University Laboratories of Earthquake Engineering, Cima Foundation - International Centre in Environmental Monitoring, Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces and ANCI - National Association of Italian Municipalities.
The National Days 2023 are planned for Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October in thousands of Italian squares, closing the National Civil Protection Week.
I don't take risks is a permanent communication campaign. The campaign, beyond the days in the squares and the initiatives dedicated to the world of work and schools, is also active on the official social channels and in the digital squares managed by the voluntary associations.
During the days dedicated to the campaign, information stands are set up in the squares of the municipalities involved in the initiative. Volunteers distribute informational materials and answer citizens' questions about actions to help reduce risks.
Leaflet: explains clearly the important things to know about each risk and what can be done to prevent and reduce its effects.
Fact sheet: provides useful information on what to do before, during, and immediately after an event.
Materials are downloadable for personal use only. For any other authorization of use, please send a request to the following email address: info@iononrischio.it