Events promoted by the Department
On this page you can browse national events organized or promoted by the Department as part of the 2024 edition of National Civil Protection Week.

The 2024 National Civil Protection Week will begin on Sunday, October 6, with an Open Day at the Department. This provides a unique opportunity to visit the spaces where our territory is monitored daily, and crises are managed during emergencies.
Visitors, accompanied by experts from the Department, will tour the seismic, volcanic, and meteo-hydro monitoring rooms to understand how risk forecasting and prevention is conducted.
They will have the opportunity to get an up-close look at how the Sala Situazione Italia - Italy Situation Room works. This room collects and verifies information from the territory 24 hours a day and coordinates interventions in major national emergencies.
Finally, visitors will be able to learn more about risks and good civil protection practices through the information point of the national communication campaign "I don't take risks," which is set up at our headquarters for the occasion.

The Italian Federation of Chefs (FIC) - Emergency Solidarity Department has developed a comprehensive textbook for managing all aspects of a field kitchen during emergencies. This tool is intended to assist teams of chefs, cooks, and support staff working in emergencies.
The textbook will be unveiled on October 6, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. in Rome at the operational headquarters of the Civil Protection Department. Fabio Ciciliano, the Head of the Department, will attend the event.
Creating a moment for cross-disciplinary discussion to explore methods and tools for greater population involvement in civil protection activities is the goal of the panel discussion titled "Toward the ideal city: building a community around civil protection issues." The event is scheduled for October 7, 2024, at 10 a.m. in Pesaro, the capital of culture 2024, at Palazzo Gradari.
The meeting, organized by the Department of Civil Protection in collaboration with the Marche Region and the Municipality of Pesaro, will provide a platform to explore various perspectives, ranging from academia to civil protection professionals, as well as territorial administrators and managers of facilities providing services to citizens. The goal is to discuss the most effective strategies and methodologies for integrating individual actions with a community's collective response, strengthening communities' role in the civil protection system, and encouraging active participation in civil protection issues at the grassroots level to help build an ideal city.
The event will be live-streamed on the YouTube channel @DPCgov

An event called "Facciamo squadra per la vita - Let's team up for life" is scheduled to occur in Piazza Cavour, Rome, on October 8, 2024. It is an extraordinary blood drive organized by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the State Police and the Donatorinati Association.
The event starts at 10:30 a.m. and is part of National Civil Protection Week 2024. It aims to bring together the important gesture of solidarity through blood donation and the broader theme of good practices.
In addition to the blood drive, there will be information points set up by the State Police and a "I don't take risks" communication campaign on good civil protection practices in Piazza Cavour.
The "Inclusion in emergency: a path beyond barriers" seminar discusses policies for involving the most vulnerable individuals in civil protection scenarios, from planning activities to emergency interventions.
The seminar is scheduled to take place in Assisi on October 8, 2024, as part of the events for National Civil Protection Week and in proximity to the G7 Inclusion and Disability summit, which will be held in Umbria from October 14 to 16.
The event, organized by the Civil Protection Department in collaboration with the Municipality of Assisi and the Umbria Region, will bring together various stakeholders involved in social and health emergencies. It will emphasize the importance of fully engaging vulnerable individuals and people with disabilities in the effort to build more resilient communities.
The event will be live-streamed on the YouTube channel @DPCgov
On Tuesday, October 8, the Municipality of Pedara will host a ceremony to assign an asset confiscated from organized crime to the voluntary organization Ultreya Pedara. This is done through a temporary partnership with the Provincial Committee of the Misericordie of Catania, the Misericordia of Pedara, and the Salesian Oratory.
The asset - assigned to the volunteer organization by the National Agency for the Agenzia Nazionale per l'amministrazione e la destinazione dei beni sequestrati e confiscati alla criminalità organizzata - will then be returned to the community through the project "Solidarity and active citizenship in an education, relief and resilience network."
The multifunctional center will also serve as a hub for promoting good civil protection practices. This will be achieved through panel discussions, seminars, courses, meetings, and debates with relevant institutions. In case of an emergency, the center will be made available to other volunteer organizations. It will be transformed into a "Casa del volontario in emergenza," providing a base and coordination point for volunteers engaged in the emergency. The center will have dorm rooms, a kitchen, a meeting room, a radio-communication room, and digital stations.
The award ceremony, held under the patronage of the Municipality of Pedara, will be attended by Roberto Giarola from the Civil Protection Department.

School continuity and the restoration of activities are crucial in managing an earthquake emergency. In the event of an earthquake, the Department collaborates with relevant institutions to ensure children's safe return to school. If necessary, temporary school modules are provided to replace the damaged school building until it can be repaired or rebuilt.
In Umbertide, a temporary school structure will be launched on October 8, 2024, at 4 p.m. It will be built in Pierantonio, the epicenter of the March 9, 2023 earthquake.
The structure will accommodate three secondary school classes for 49 students for as long as it takes to renovate and adapt the school building damaged by the earthquake.

On October 9, 2024, students from Liceo Scientifico Statale Aristotele of Rome will have the opportunity to visit the national coordination structure of the civil protection system. They will observe the monitoring rooms of the Italian territory and gain a deeper understanding of the activities of the National Service, both in normal operations and during emergencies. This visit is part of National Civil Protection Week and includes a guided tour of the Department's operational headquarters.
An event is being organized to help younger generations understand the local area and its potential risks. This event is part of the broader Memorandum of Understanding "Collaborative actions for safety in schools and the dissemination of the culture of civil protection" between the Ministry of Education and Civil Protection Department. The renewal of this memorandum is expected to be signed soon.
The results of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) project, which aims to monitor the effects of hosting Ukrainian refugees on individuals and receiving territorial communities, will be presented on October 9, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. at the Department's operational headquarters in Rome. The project was developed by the SDA Bocconi School of Management to determine whether the measure of hosting Ukrainian refugees created value for the community.
The presentation will be given by SDA Bocconi and the Department, and the event will be attended by representatives of the third sector managing the widespread hosting facilities, as well as representatives of UNHCR and UNICEF.
Download the event program
The goal of EXE Flegrei 2024 is to test the National Plan for Volcanic Risk in the red zone of the Phlegraean Fields. This national volcanic risk exercise is organized by the Civil Protection Department and the Campania Region and implemented in collaboration with the municipalities of the Campi Flegrei red zone, the Prefecture of Naples, operational structures, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, the PLINIVS-LUPT Study Center and CNR-IREA.
The exercise, which will take place from October 9 to 12 as part of National Civil Protection Week, will also see the participation of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces twinned with the municipalities involved and the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane - Italian State Railways.
During the exercise, citizens will actively participate in testing the sending of an IT-alert message across the Campania Region to inform them of a simulation of potential volcanic activity in the Phlegraean Fields.

On October 10, the conference "Culture of Prevention and Business Continuity: Actions for Resilient Businesses and Territories" will occur.
The event, organized by Piccola Industria Confindustria and the Civil Protection Department under the patronage of the European Commission, will focus on issues related to business continuity in the event of a disaster and tools to enhance the resilience of territories, communities, and businesses.
This conference is part of the collaboration between Confindustria and the Department in implementing the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016 and renewed in 2021. The main goal of this collaboration is to respond to emergencies and promote a culture of prevention effectively.
The event will be live-streamed on the YouTube channel @DPCgov