Department's events
This page lists the national initiatives organized or promoted by the Department during the 2021 Civil Protection Week.
A Health Train for medical assistance specialized in the care and transport of sick or injured people throughout Italy and Europe. On October 10, from 10 am to 4 pm, the health train will stop in the station of Brescia and citizens have a chance to visit it.
Developed during the Covid-19 emergency, the project is the result of an agreement between the Civil Protection Department, Trenitalia and AREU-Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza della Lombardia to reduce the burden on hospitals and to support the local health service.
The train, consisting of eight wagons and two locomotives, is designed to guarantee assistance ranging from first-level healthcare activities to intensive care, including bio-containment, with the possibility of integrating other wagons with additional medical and healthcare functions. The convoy can operate as a MEDICAL EVAcuation and, in areas affected by an emergency, as an Advanced Medical Post. In total, the carriages can transport 21 patients and 45 specialized operators.
It is scheduled in Rome on October 12, at the operational headquarters of the Department of Civil Protection, a day of technical-operational cut dedicated to the Observatory of Good Practices of Civil Protection, a tool provided by Legislative Decree n.1 of January 2, 2018.
Ahead of the Observatory's set-up, the event, organized with the support of Fondazione Cima, aims at opening a dialogue with some interlocutors of the National Service on organizational methods and governance of this tool.
Participants will discuss the topic through working tables dedicated to three different aspects: what is a good practice, how is it evaluated, what are the possible organizational arrangements and the objectives of the Observatory.
On 13 October, from 9.30 to 12.30, will be held in Rome at the operational headquarters of the Department, the workshop "The multi-risk dimension in research and university training" as part of the day "Science for civil protection". The event will be transmitted live streaming on the website and YouTube channel of the Department of Civil Protection.
The meeting aims to promote a debate on the dimension of multi-hazard and multi-risk factors affecting communities and on which European and international organizations dealing with disaster risk reduction have focused their attention. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that the same territory may be affected by more than one risk or more than one catastrophic event, independent or connected to each other. A theme that has become increasingly relevant with the Covid emergency.
The day is an opportunity to discuss with the scientific community and universities on these issues, also in view of the definition of a path aimed at training experts in risk assessment and management.
On 13 October, as part of the National Civil Protection Week and as part of the International Day for the Reduction of Natural Disasters, all youths involved in civil service will be able to visit a civil protection volunteer organization operating in their territory.
They will thus have the opportunity to get to know closely the activities that take place within an organization and, at the same time, to verify what they learned as volunteers of civil service during the general training, which includes a teaching module on civil protection issues.
The initiative - as also provided by the Directive of the President of the Council that in 2019 establishes the National Week - aims to involve young people on civil protection issues and to promote knowledge of risks for a conscious approach to the territory.
On October 14, Benevento will be the hub of the National Civil Protection Week. In fact, two events will take place during this day at the Pastificio Rummo. The first, operational, on the theme of resilience, the second, of technical and institutional profile, dedicated to the link between civil protection and business, with particular regard to the challenging phase of emergency management.
In the morning is scheduled a workshop on "resilience scorecards", a grid of indicators developed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction through the Making Cities Resilient 2030 Campaign to frame the level of resilience of the territories with respect to natural and man-made risks.
In the second part of the day, is scheduled the conference " Companies and Civil Protection". The focus will be on the actions implemented by Piccola Industria Confindustria and the Department of Civil Protection, working together since 2016 with Confindustria's Emergency Management Program, whose purpose is to support businesses and territories in emergency phases and to spread a culture of resilience and prevention through the active involvement of institutions, citizens and companies.
On October 15, in the province of Rieti, the initiative "Civil protection and agriculture: synergies in motion" will focus on the collaboration between the Civil Protection Department and Coldiretti with the aim of improving the resilience of the territories and promoting the culture of civil protection.
The event includes a morning of study in the Auditorium Della Laga of Amatrice, dedicated in particular to the theme "Resilience, prevention and good practices in agriculture" with the participation of the Head of the Civil Protection Department Fabrizio Curcio and the Deputy Head of Coldiretti David Granieri.
The second part of the day will be in Accumoli with a visit to a Farm that has reconverted its production following the earthquake in Central Italy in 2016.
On October 16, in Rome at the Cine TV Institute "Roberto Rossellini", the meeting "Preparing to be the organized volunteer civil protection" will be held. The event will be broadcast live in video streaming on the website and youtube channel of the Department of Civil Protection.
A dialogue between the voluntary organizations of civil protection enrolled in the central list, which will intervene from the territory, and the Department, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. A moment of dialogue between the parties on the strategic role of volunteering in activities aimed at prevention and planning, a task assigned to organizations by the Civil Protection Code (Legislative Decree No. 1/2018)
Education, preparation and training of volunteers as essential elements to support a volunteer already organized but still willing to grow and improve will also be discussed. October 16 will therefore mark a new starting point for all civil protection volunteers who represent the very link between citizens and administrations.