Events promoted by districts
This page lists all the initiatives promoted by districts in the framework of the 2021 National Civil Protection Week.
The Municipality of Bovino, in collaboration with the Voluntary Organization of Civil Protection P.A.T.A. invite the citizens to visit the COC - Municipal Operations Center: the structure that coordinates the operations on the territory in case of emergency. On 12, 14 and 16 October, the COC headquarters will be open to citizens to broaden their awareness of civil protection activities in case of crisis.
Will be presented in Genoa on October 13, during the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the results of the survey "Perception of Risk among the population of the Municipality of Genoa", a survey carried out by the Local Police Department, Civil Protection and Voluntary Service Department, with the collaboration of the Department of Education Sciences and the Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences at the University of Genoa.
The survey was carried out to integrate a study on the perception of risk by the population living or working in the municipal area, divided by target. The analyzed risks are those to which, potentially, the population of Genoa is most exposed: landslides, floods, snow, sea storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, physiological discomfort from heat, interface fires. The ultimate objective of the study is to identify the most effective communication methods to spread among the citizens the behaviors to adopt in case of emergency.
Crisis communication is the main topic of the webinar "Civil protection: the three C of communication in emergency", organized on October 13 by the Municipality of Aradeo, in the province of Lecce. The initiative will be transmitted in live streaming through the institutional social channels of the Municipality on Facebook and Twitter and will see the participation of the Mayor, the delegated referent of civil protection and the Disaster manager responsible for the drafting of the Civil Protection Plan of Aradeo.
The Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato Etneo (CSV Etneo) promotes on October 13 a moment of awareness on the Covid19 vaccination campaign in the provinces of Catania, Enna, Ragusa and Siracusa particularly aimed at the areas of the territory where the vaccination index is lower. The initiative includes an informative and educational moment aimed at volunteers of the Third Sector with professionals in the field: infectious diseases, sociologists, pharmacists and lawyers. The volunteers thus trained will spread information to citizens about the vaccination campaign is on the ground - favoring small stores, pharmacies and places of aggregation - and online through regional channels.
To raise awareness among citizens on civil protection, for a conscious approach to the territory and to adopt correct behaviors for risk reduction and environmental protection. This is the objective of the initiative promoted by the Rangers International - section of Messina, which provides for the realization and transmission on the local television network Onda TV of recordings on civil protection. The videos are realized with the participation of experts, geologists, engineers and volunteers of civil protection.
The Municipality of San Giorgio Lucano, in the Province of Matera, adheres to the National Week with two initiatives scheduled on October 16: an extraordinary waste collection, which will be carried out during the morning by local voluntary associations, and a round table, where mayors and voluntary associations of civil protection will discuss the issue of emergency management.
The Municipal Group of Civil Protection of Porto Sant'Elpidio invites all citizens to participate in the demonstration day "Conosciamo la protezione civile" scheduled in Piazza Garibaldi from 10 to 17. Objective of the initiative is to raise awareness and inform citizens about good practices of civil protection.
The initiative is open to all, and schools in the area have been invited to participate. For updates you can follow the facebook and instagram channels of the Municipal Group.